Lifted Youth Ministries was founded in 2018 to serve youth from 11-19 years old. LYM is part of a much larger organization called Impact Youth and regularly attend rallies, camps and other events all over the North State. LYM is dedicated to Loving God, Loving His people, and Lifting them up to Heavenly places. 

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While pushing through a late night practice before a big service, Ali asked if we were going to practice that “Reckless Vessels” song. Exhaustion had caused her to mix the name of two popular songs we were planning on singing. We all laughed and jokingly said we should call our team “Reckless Vessels” 

Shortly after God spoke to all of us that we were to be Reckless Vessels, not that we should be careless but that we should pour out the gifts that he’d given to us without reservations. We truly love worshiping our Father, pouring our love out at his feet, and leading others into His throne room. With a heart of outreach we’ve partnered with many other churches to worship Him every month, seeking first to expand the Kingdom of God. 

If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

2 Timothy 2:21



Our Woman’s Ministry, led by our very own First Lady, meets monthly to fellowship and study God’s word.